7.8.2023- an additional $488 thousand to the $48 million childcare slots program
$1.47 million to lease agreement with Baker Ripley
Nearly $2 million to BakerRIpley for Immigration Legal Services Fund
$2 million to Baker Ripley of American Rescue Plan Act dollars for tax services
$1.47 million to Baker Ripley for “rental assistance program”
$8.2 million to BakerRipley for COvid Rental Assistance
$500k to Bakerripley for Child Tax credit
$21.4 million to Bakerripley for Emergency Rental Assistance
$3.6 million to BakerRipley for their Community Covid Housing Program
Here is the link to BakerRipley vendor payment search: link to payment
Why is this 501(3)c which is a Democrat feeder receiving so much money from the county with little-to no accountability as to where all the COVID money has gone?
This is startling... 😳