Turns out Boston Consulting has been awarded quite a bit of no-bid contracts over the past two years regarding Covid. I found that not only was BCG working nationwide, but they were working Globally. The heads of the consulting group are also WEF bros. From what I’ve discovered thus far, most of the work that BCG was given appears to have to be tied to a lot of data-driven/ tech work like; vaccine passports, and increasing vaccine intake. Pretty fitting for the WEF bros to be involved with a ton of data-driven work, huh? Down under in Australia, the consultants were working on the “COVIDSAFE” vaccine passports. I’m sure this has nothing at all to do with ze great reset, huh?
In Connecticut, the governor awarded the consulting group $2 million for consulting. When Republican lawmakers pushed back on the price of the contract, Governor Lamont was quoted as saying, “By the way, it’s worth noting, it is paid for by the federal government, it is a COVID-related expense, which is the way my neighboring states are doing this as well. We’re going to learn a lot by working together on this.”
The contract calls for BCG to create a “control tower” to help manage the state’s reopening. It promises “extremely difficult trade-off decisions made with data-driven analytical support, and community and industry input.”
You can read further about the contract here: link
In Pennsylvania, Governor Wolf used his emergency orders to award 11.6 million to BCG for “vaccine outreach.” According to the contract the documents show that the firm was hired to work on five vaccine-related objectives: data management, organization and coordination, communications, smart vaccine allocation, and grant management.
You can read more about t Wolf using his emergency powers and the backlash: here
Former nuclear-turned data scientist Cassandra H. was able to track down questionable campaign donations from BCG CEO Rich Lesser to Gina Raimondo, before Raimondo went to work with the Biden Administation. You can click here for the thread regarding this whole scheme link.
Again, this was another no-bid contract that was awarded to BCG from Rhode Island. It kind of seems like this was one massive payout by all bodies of government *globally*
“According to documents produced by the state in recent days in response to a Journal request: the global management advisory firm, based in Boston, initially provided the state with “free support” from March 25 through April 17.
The groups were then given a $1.85-million contract to embed its employees remotely, at $25,000 per person per week, within the state agency teams suddenly responsible for everything from hospital surge planning to COVID testing and contact tracing.”: link
Moving onto things down under, reporter Denham Sandler has been following the consulting group closely regarding the “CovidSafe” digital vaccine passport in which BCG was creating for the people of Austalia. The hefty cost of this CONtract was 11.5 million over a 3 month period.
Boston Consulting received another contract for 1 million, it seems as though the company was working in “phases” and continually was receiving ad-ons to their contracts once they finished a specific task. Link
Another contract was awarded in Great Britain to BCG for contract tracing. Again, there was major backlash over the fees of €6,250 a day. I guess the writers weren’t aware of the extortionate prices BCG was charging us yanks.
The evidence certainly seems to be mounting up that COVID was the perfect scheme or opportunity for these globalist shills to seize locking us down under digital oppression. No?