BREAKING: Bettencourt Fires Off Letter Demanding Harris County Turn Over Comms For Hiring Brady Peavey in Opposing TXLEG Bills
Bettencourt just fired off a letter demanding that Harris County must release all information on the hiring of the firm Brady Peavey that was contracted to oppose bills, including Points of Order, in the Legislature by Office of Texas Attorney General.
Senator Middleton and Bettencourt requested this information months ago under legislative privilege as Senators. Harris County as usual fights to hide information even as required on an official request.
From Bettencourt:
“Will Harris County Attorney Menefee now send information or will Senator Middleton and I have to come get it?”
Backstory: Brady Peavey specializes in Election Law litigation.
Brady Peavey received a contract from Harris County for $49k (right under the competitive bid price)
Hugh Brady was appointed by Obama to serve as his general counsel in the White House.
Anything associated with Obama is crooked! Thanks, as always, Merissa. I wish you were county judge.
Bettencourt is the best argument for cloning yet! Ethical yet efficient. Not fluent in Doublespeak. Above average hair!