Watch Kim Ogg state she will involve the state AG in the investigation. Thanks to Urban Reform for the video
I have always had reason to believe that the vaccine bid rigging case was tied to the U.S. census to gather data in order to help with redistricting the county into Democrat supermajoritie. The group Houston in Action was handpicked to help with the 2020 census and was discussed in “tasks 1,2,3” whilst mentioning Civis analytics (an Obama utilized data analysis company for his Presidential run)
See below 👇
Here Is a list of CIVIS PARTNERS: notice a pattern of who they support?
Hence our precincts turning into this:
There is a lot more to the vaccine bid rigging than just rigging…. Hopefully justice is finally served
Let’s get this done before Ogg leaves office! Thanks for staying on top of this.
Great work Merissa. There should be hundreds of thousands of subscribers to your post. I wish people would not keep their head in the sand.