Dr. Dana Myers of Harris County will challenge Matt Rinaldi for Texas GOP Chair.
Announcement from Dr. Meyers:
After receiving numerous calls from grassroots leaders throughout Texas urging me to run, I am excited to officially announce my candidacy for Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. It is with a deep sense of duty and a firm commitment to our conservative values that I step forward to offer new leadership.
Recently, our party has strayed from its fundamental mission - growing the Republican Party by reaching new voters and advancing a platform that is grounded in conservative principles. Instead, we find ourselves in a state of disarray, fractured by internal divisions and marred by turmoil. This situation is untenable, and it's time for a positive change.
My decision to run for Chairman is rooted in a desire to refocus the party by revitalizing our fundraising efforts, implementing active election integrity programs, ensuring every eligible Republican is registered to vote, energizing our grassroots base, and building the infrastructure necessary for effective get-out-the-vote campaigns to preserve and grow our conservative majority.
I'm committed to working with all Republicans and look forward to hearing new ideas to bring about the change we so desperately need.
Together, we can strengthen our party on the principles that have made Texas the strongest and most prosperous state in the Nation.
Dana Myers
Under Rinaldi’s leadership, this is where Texas Politics sits at:
40% of Soros District Attorney/Prosecutor control in all large cities and counties in Texas.
All of the large cities have turnt blue and election integrity issues are out of control.
We have a liberal house speaker, an Obama lawyer as House Parliamentarian (Hugh Brady), and Democrat chairs.
Let’s not forget that the Republican Party of Texas’ cash on hand has decreased by more than 61% compared to the same time during the 2020 Presidential election cycle. While Soros and the progressives ramp up their donations. I presume they plan on doing what they did to Georgia here in Texas
Texas also passed a law requiring that a district attorney invite our state AG in to prosecute and investigate election fraud in 2020, a law in which Rindaldi has rarely spoken about or wanted to use parties resources to challenge.
Rinaldi’s lack of action towards our states election integrity issues is enough reason for me to throw my support behind Dr. Dana Meyers.
It’s time to start Winning Again!
Dr.Dana Myers is the Best Choice to beat Nikki Haley’s own Matt Rinaldi!