Henry Kissinger allegedly proclaimed this at a secret Bilderberg meeting in France in 1992 where a Swiss delegate used a tape recording to catch his secret thoughts.
"Today American's would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."
During his time in charge of the American foreign policy machine, Kissinger directed illegal arms sales to Pakistan as it carried out a brutal crackdown on its Bengali population in 1971. He supported the 1973 military coup that overthrew a democratically elected socialist government in Chile, gave the go-ahead to Indonesia’s 1975 invasion of East Timor, and backed Argentina’s repressive military dictatorship as it launched its “dirty war” against dissenters and leftists in 1976. His policies during the Ford administration also fueled civil wars in Africa, most notably in Angola.
Henry Kissinger wrote a world depopulation Memorandum. National Security Memorandum 200 proposed by Henry Kissinger sought ways for the United States to use human population control to limit undeveloped countries. Tell me what you think about this: “FINDINGS --The UN medium population projection forecasts world population growth from 3.9 billion today to 6.4 billion by the year 2000 and over 11 billion by 2050. This is a relatively optimistic projection, and holding growth within these limits will require an international population control effort; Regional imbalances of growth will be severe with the greatest population growth in the poor countries; --Perhaps the most serious challenge from both a humanitarian and a national interest viewpoint would be adequacy of world food supplies for the developing countries as populations press against limits of available land, water, capital and resources inputs; --Excessive population growth holds back economic development and social progress, bringing on frustrations and tensions leading to instability . RECOMMENDATIONS --Support of the UN Population Plan of Action adopted at the Bucharest, Rumania Conference, plus a global target of replacement fertility levels by the year 2000; --Engagement of the developing countries themselves and their political leaders in efforts to moderate population growth; --A bilateral and multilateral assistance strategy giving priority to thirteen key countries which contribute almost half the present population growth; --Delivery of family planning information and services to all and increased funding for AID’s population control programs; --Increased funding and support for a worldwide effort for research in human reproduction; --US participation with other donor countries and UN agencies in a cooperative endeavor to develop systems for the delivery of basic health services, including family planning, to poorer countries; --A major worldwide effort of education about population growth and family planning."
Tragic. First thought a certain song from Wizard of Oz.
The video in this substack is worth the time to watch.