Houston Police Officers Union Requests Police Chief Step Down From Internal Investigation of Suspended Criminal Cases
Per Jeremy Rogalski:
The Houston Police Officers Union has requested that Houston Police Chief Troy Finner step down from the internal investigation into the 264,000 criminal cases due to “an inherent self-interest in the outcome” and the Office of the Inspector General take over the investigation.
As most people know by now, Chief Finner was aware of the thousands of cases being put in ‘suspense’ due to ‘lack of personnel’ but continued to play into Mayor Turners administrations’ propaganda that ‘crime was downtrending’ when most knew that the data was severely manipulated and the cases were being coded into ‘suspense’
This was not an isolated incident to occur under Mayor Turners administration. Most, if not all of the data concerning homelessness and crime statistics had been severely manipulated in order to claim that their programs were ‘successful’. These programs which were introduced under Turners administration were falsely represented under the NYTIMES to appear that they had been successful, leading to the administration receiving millions of dollars to pour into the cherry-picked NGO’s which seemingly served an ulterior purpose.
Hopefully the city counsel members who continued to gaslight their constituents will do the right thing, and step down from their seats in office and allow for the city of Houston to be led by leaders who actually LISTEN to their constituents instead of refusing to request the raw data for themselves.
I would NOT look for City Council members to do the "right" thing. It's sad things have to blow up before they get the proper attention.
Was the family disturbance call at finner’s house one of these “suspended” cases?