If You Believe the Commissioners of Harris County Care for their Constituents. Watch this Video
For four years I have sat in Harris County’s commissioners court listening to the Democrats say they have no arpa money for the constables and police.
According to my sources there are stipulations in the arpa funds that after 4 years the money can be used for whatever the elected officials want to use the money for.
Yesterday the county pushed through $80+ million on affordable housing.
What commissioner in Harris County is married to someone who owns a real estate company and business partner sits on the board of Coalition for the Homeless?
The Coalition for the homeless has received $100s of millions from the city of houston and the county.
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You should be on the news twice a week with reports like these, whatever happened to the TV media we already know what happened to the print media (controlled by the Jr. Soro's)
Keep up the great work Merissa, placing sunlight on these grifters led by the "mafioso don" will hopefully wake some of the voters up to kick these crooks out. Why is this not above the fold in the Chronicle? Oh yeah they are in the tank too as evidenced by last weeks expose' of the Constables. You would think these people would have allocated some of this money towards hiring the investigators for the sex crimes unit.