The Unholy Trinity Are the Oppressors.
Above is an accurate meme of how the Harris county Democrats have displayed the way they “help” their constituents regarding the worst crime wave we have seen since the 1980s oil bust.
In October 2019, our county’s “unholy trinity” Adrian Garcia, Rodney Ellis, and Lina Hidalgo voted through spending $97 million to form the county’s Justice Administration Department, focusing only on the criminally accused people. Cutting into our county’s legal budget, there were no provisions for regular witnesses, victims of prosecutors, or law enforcement that have to bring the case forward. Anyone with common sense would have known this was an unbalanced approach to our criminal system. The following year, the Democrats voted on taking 20 million from the legal department’s rollover funds as well. I believe there is a video floating around of commissioner’s court where Adrian Garcia maniacally laughs as he votes to take the rollover funds. Recently, there’s been a whole lot of sparring of whether or not them taking from the rollover funds as “defunding the police”. Anyone with a functioning brain would seem to believe so, but not these 3 morons.
This newly formed Justice Admin Department (JAD) seems to be more of a testing lab for social justice policies, with extremely skewed reports from their “research”. I searched around the website and found that the county had applied studies strongly focused on race and what type of bail the criminal was allowed out on.
The democrats’ only solution to the uptick in crime is to conduct more studies which equates to more money, and in this case it’s “mo money, mo problems”. Our constables, sheriffs, DA, and Republican Commissioners have *repeatedly* asked for more funds to alleviate the worst crime wave our county has seen in over 30 years. As of today, our city is leading in the most murders by capita.
Though, why on earth would the Democrats want to refund the police when they could just use their JAD department’s data website to stop people from murdering one another? Because that makes sense, right? The data will help stop the criminals from murdering one another. We all know that Lina Hidalgo believes that guns kill people, not that people kill people. I think her new sight word is ‘Gundemic” which I’m sure will poll real well with us Texans. Especially as they like to claim the crime wave was caused by the pandemic. It’s a thing these 3 commonly say in commissioners court, that things didn’t get “bad until COVID” when in fact, you can see that the murder and crime rate kicked off as soon as they introduced bail reform to our city. But why would they want to stop and fix the problem, when they can just continue Cloward-Piven the county.
Then there’s this whole thing where the county democrats voted through a 50 million dollar initiative to Address Crime Through ‘Environmental Design’ initiative. Yes, you read that right, they spent 50 million of YOUR tax-paying dollars to fight crime by planting trees. You know, since a tree will stop gang members from murdering people. Apparently, by democratic logic, studies and plants will cease crime. Not actual boots on the ground, and a functioning District Attorneys’ office.
Who remembered when the District Attorneys’ office flooded during Harvey? Well, it never was fixed. For the past two-ish years, the trial selection process has been happening over at NRG. This nightmare has been attributed to the nearly 2-year backlog. The backlog has caused many people to sit in prison for far too long because they can’t be seen in courts. Our county just recently had to move many of the prisoners to a prison out-of-state which is allegedly costing the county nearly a million a month. How awful it must be for the family members of the incarcerated to have to drive out-of-state to see their loved ones? Also, what a waste of our funds. So much for these democrats claiming they are social justice warriors, huh? Nothing justified about 2-year court backlogs if you ask me.
The whole reallocation of funds for the District Attorneys’ office has caused a high turnover rate. First off, the prosecutors make 22 thousand less than the public defenders. The county has awarded ARPA funds for the DA’s office, but the caveat is it’s only a 2-year job. Who on earth wants to take a job where you are only going to be guaranteed two years?
District Attorney Kim Ogg, ‘“The problem is when you have four and a half million people in a county and you’re only staffed for 2 million, the community is less safe and we are less able to help as many people as we could. We handle over 100,000 cases a year. Those all reflect cases against people who are either victims or accused, and each case has to be considered individually. We only have 335 litigators. The ability of our people is delayed and I think justice delayed is justice denied.”
So we now are at what?
The highest murder rate in the country.
The highest crime rate the county has seen in over 30 plus years.
A court backlog of 2 years
Defunded Police
Defunded DA’s office.
Prisoners being shipped off on our dime due to overcrowding prisons.
85% minorities are murdered by the criminals out out on bail reform
Is it me, or do you really believe that the unholy trinity are true “Justice Warriors” or really are the oppressors misappropriating the counties funds?