It looks like we are breaking through on a good border bill that will not only criminalize the act of an alien crossing the border outside a port of entry into Texas, but will allow removal after due process of that alien after collection of biometric data in lieu of a criminal conviction. See the bill language for SB 4 in the 4th special session. You can read the bill here :
SB 4 has already passed the Senate and has passed unamended out of House State Affairs, headed to the House floor (if quorum can be obtained, but that is another story).The backstory on this is HUGE. Especially to this group that understands that in the current situation of deliberate lawbreaking by a stolen, corrupt federal government that is endangering and killingTexans, a state sovereignty mindset is vital. The problem has been that Senator Birdwell does NOT have a state sovereignty mindset. He is a federal supremacist, deferring the security of Texans to the very feds that are deliberately endangering us. Birdwell is an honorable man and committed to honor his oath to the Constitution as his independent judgement dictates. The problem is that Birdwell is DEAD WRONG in his interpretation of the U.S. Constitution on this issue. And because he had been appointed the lead in the Senate on border security by Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, he has been stopping the legislature from passing legislationthat will actually defend Texans from the collusion between the feds and the cartels that endangers us all. The news here is that Birdwell's fellow Republican Senators behind the scenes persuaded Dan Patrick that Birdwell had it wrong and to turn over the bill for this session to Senator Charles Perry, so that an effective bill could be passed.
Attorney General Ken Paxton appeared as an invited witness in front of Birdwell's Border Security Committee at the beginning of the regular session early this year. In that presentation, Paxton Bardwell that US v Arizona was wrongly decided and that he predictedthat given the facts of today and the current composition of the court, that SCOTUS opinion could be overturned. US v Arizona has been viewed as saying that the federal government has complete control over “ immigration" issues and that states are powerless when the feds either do not do their duty, or worse as is the case now, deliberately destroy the security of Texas.
I told Senator Birdwell later in that hearing that the U.S. Constitution reserves the natural right of self-defense to Texas in the final exception clause of Article I, Sec. 10. It is a pre-Tenth Amendment reservation of power to Texas that Texas gets to decide when and how to implement without second guessing or permission from the federal judiciary. But he could not hear or accept that.
The fact is that We the People of Texas are the bosses. Through our state government and the U.S. Constitution, we are the masters of the feds, delegating a few defined powers to them. We did not Constitutionally and should not turn over our security and surrender our sovereignty to a corrupt, stolen federal government when it"evinces a design to reduce [us] under absolute Despotism."I salute Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and the other members ofthe Senate for holding firm to THEIR interpretation of the
Constitution on this matter!
Senator Birdwell voted with the Democrats in the Senate against SB4. But every other Republican Senator who was there voted for it to pass it.
Toward liberty,
Tom Glass