Will the City of Houston Council Members Summon Controller Chris Hollins to Answer for the Allegations of Pay-for-Play?
If you are a constituent of the City of Houston, I would urge you to contact your local council members and suggest they summon Chris Hollins as a witness to answer to the allegations of a pay-to-play scheme concerning the Houston Investors Conference.
Council Member Joaquin Martinez
City Hall Annex
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: 832.393.3011
E-Mail: districti@houstontx.gov
Council Member Twila Carter
City Hall Annex
900 Bagby, First Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: 832.393.3005
E-Mail: atlarge3@houstontx.gov
Hollins gives new meaning to corrupt . He will skate this but eventually be caught for future sins.