The Ken Paxton sham impeachment verdict is expected to come back between today and Saturday. The Texas AG needs 10 state senators to vote to acquit. I've been told by insiders the following senators' votes are unknown at this time. If you're a Texas resident, kindly, respectfully contact these elected representatives offices and tell them you support the attorney general, a man who was overwhelmingly re-elected by double digits by over 4 million Texans, even after every allegation against him was made public:
1. Bryan Hughes
(512) 463-0101
2. Mayes Middleton
(512) 463-0111
3. Drew Springer
(512) 463-0130
4. Phil King
(512) 463-0110
5. Charles Perry
(512) 463-0128
6. Brian Birdwell
(512) 463-0122
7. Pete Flores
(512) 463-0124
8. Kevin Sparks
(512) 463-0131
9. Charles Schwertner
(512) 463-0105
10. Kelly Hancock
(512) 463-0109
Repeat, be respectful. These are potentially the AG's greatest allies for acquittal.
I called every senator and I appreciate you sending this email.
I called and wrote to my Senator Birdwell, asking that he vote no on impeachment. I've never phone-called a political representative before- I usually write.
The person taking my call was friendly and courteous. I'm glad I called, and recommend others do so.