Jan 29·edited Jan 29

I wrote to Abbott's office early on after the flood of illegals got started encouraging him to put them on busses and send them to northeastern states. At that time he had tried having the National Guard detaining and deporting them, and predictably, the courts forced him stop.

I wrote multiple times. They completely ignored me for 6-8 months. When they finally started doing it, they didn't do it the way I suggested: Send a couple of dozen buses per day, and send to upscale communities like The Hamptons, Chappaqua, White Plains, and Martha's Vineyard. Also send them to all those little states, like Delaware, Vermont, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.

In my opinion, it's been one of the more effective things he's done. It has the northern big-city mayors on their knees begging for it to stop. They try to blame it all on Abbott, but the truth is 90% of the illegals are going by Biden-funded night-time air transport.

Best of all, it's revealed to black people how they're 2nd class citizens compared to the illegals. If you believe the reporting, many are having 2nd thoughts about voting for Biden. If Democrats don't get the black vote, they are road kill. It's working better than I expected.

If those northern cities weren't cracking under the weight of illegal immigration, the media wouldn't bother reporting it, and most of the country STILL wouldn't know it was happening.

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Wait until the sanctuary cities start receiving federal bailouts and then tell me you think this is a “good idea”

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abboott is nothing but a bush cartel, RINO, wefer. The sooner you understand that , the more aware you will be. Notice how the mockingbird press is pushing this,, look here not over there--- civil war bullshit... nothing is happening... nothing

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I have friends looking at Mexico in case Biden is installed again or worse Nimrata. Mexico requires proof of assets & minimal income, no $2000 welcome checks, no food cards, no free phones! Assets of $207,440 plus if looking for full citizenship, monthly income of $5196 !!! AM Lopez Obrador has already told Trudeau & Biden they can stop drilling and keep hassling the farmers with their New Green Deal and he will export both to them!! Average property taxes for a 400K home-$400. a year! If we keep the border open Mexico will be much more stable than both US & Canada. Ajijijic/Chapala/Puerto Vallarta/San Miguel are full of happy expats. I know there is always the cartel but tell me we haven't let terrorists in at this point.

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Wow, I thought he would be utilizing the national guards from other states - that should be done immediately. Thank you for letting us know.

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