The $34 million is going to Johnson Inc, this contract was brought on by Commissioner Rodney Ellis. I wonder what he is getting out of this?
$197k salary for a director/case manager
$488k salary for the Assistant Director for “Homelessness Strategy and Response”
Vision Zero is Rodney Ellis wanting to turn Houston into a “biking friendly” city.
Why does the Justice Administration Department receive over 6 times more than Veteran Services? JAD is for criminals rights…
Ask drivers of Harris County electric vehicles if it is ok to park them inside... or will it burn the facility down...
They are desperately trying to make the county a socialist jewel in the Democrat master plan. This is all an audition for Lina’s next gig with the party.
Ask drivers of Harris County electric vehicles if it is ok to park them inside... or will it burn the facility down...
They are desperately trying to make the county a socialist jewel in the Democrat master plan. This is all an audition for Lina’s next gig with the party.