Last night, Harris county made national news, but not in a good way. The 2022 primaries election ran into *many* issues, the counties residents were informed that they would not be receiving the Primary results for days due to paper jams, errors, and alleged chain-of-custody problems. Harris County is the fourth largest county in the United States with 2,480,522 million registered voters; so many people are asking this morning: how did Isabel Longoria get chosen to run our Counties elections with only six months’ experience at the time she was picked? My first guess is that Longoria was installed to do the bidding and rigging of the county's democrats. Isabel Longoria checks all the boxes for the progressives who run Harris county, she is a Progressive Democrat, LGTBQ+ activist, and Latina. Not once do I believe was it considered her actual qualifications to be in control of such a large counties elections process: In 2019, Longoria ran for a seat in Houston’s City Council H, but lost. During the 2020 presidential election, Longoria was involved with running the election alongside interim county clerk Chris Hollins. Shortly after the election, Longoria was installed as the county's Election Administrator, a new position cooked up by the Democrats. There were bipartisan protests about Ms. Longoria becoming the Election Administrator, but the protests fell upon the stubborn deaf ears of Lina Hidalgo and Chris Hollins; they decided to push through Longoria’s position as Election Administrator. You can read more about how Longoria was installed here: Harris County Will Not Rescind Appointment of Elections Administrator in Defiance of Attorney General. It is quite concerning the complete lack of respect for the constitution regarding the election the Democrats have displayed over the past two years concerning such a sacred process. Harris County residents are now beginning to realize the repercussions resulting from when the Democrats took the power away from the voters in the choice who ran our elections, and the flagrant issues coming from the “transformative changes” they made to the counties elections. Many constituents are currently in a state of shock and horror from witnessing the severe errors which have occurred over the course of the Presidential election, the HISD election, and now the 2022 Primaries Election. Below is an excerpt from a senate hearing in which Longoria is questioned about her experience running elections
Over the past 24 hours, I have been notified of countless issues that Harris county residents ran into during their trip to the polls. I also have had several conversations with campaign managers, and candidates on both sides in which election irregularities have *allegedly* occurred. At 7:11 in the morning election day, I received a message from a constituent who had gone to vote and had been informed that the voting location “is closed to Republican voters in the Texas primaries today but was not closed for Democrats.” Most people would describe what happened to this gentleman as, “voter suppression” a buzzword the Democrats in Harris county love to throw around. Video of constituents being turned away from voting Republican at a polling location. What was even more bothersome from the thread, the gentleman posted on Twitter, was that the Democrat election judge at the precinct followed the constituent outside and took photos of his license plate. There is no reason for a election judge to do so, unless he was trying to intimidate the voter from coming forward publicly with his experience at this polling location.
Later on in the day, I was notified of “paper jams” occurring at most polling locations. What was even more bizarre, one of the counties Republican challengers numbers apparently flipped through the night according to his campaign manager.
Another example of an issue in the election is if you click the checkbox icon on results, it breaks it down by registered voter. There are a lot of precincts where ballots were cast according to the elections administrator, where there are no registered voters. See photo:
Daniel Millers’ camp has stated that he dropped 20 thousand votes live as they were watching, as of right now his campaign manager is gathering the evidence, and I will be updating the article with it shortly.
Another candidate, Erica Davis (D) polled a lot lower than what was expected. The early results for the democratic primary for commissioner Adrian Garcia and Lina Hidalgo came out to 70% almost instantaneously.
Ms. Davis ended up with only 15% of the vote, even though from prior elections, Ms.Davis had received a large percentage of votes. Ms. Davis is held in high regard on *both* sides, and I even found the polling numbers to be a bit skewed. Especially since Hidalgo and Garcia’s policies have driven up crime and the murder rates predominantly in minority communities. Many of their constituents have voiced their want for a change of leadership. Pictured below are the voting results from prior elections for Erica Davis.
When I reached out to Ms. Davis for comment, she responded “I’d rather be part of the change, than a sacrifice for it; however, I will continue to be the public servant that communities throughout Harris County need me to be.”
Around 8 pm I received an e-mail from the Harris County GOP chair Cindy Siegel informing voters of the serious problems which *both* parties have had throughout the primary with how Isabel Longoria had conducted the election. What I found even more alarming was, Longoria was offered support in counting the ballots and she refused to respond to both parties.
Local news at 7 pm interviewed Longoria about what was happening regarding the damaged ballots and paper jams, and when the county would be receiving the ballot tabulations. Her response was concerning regarding when the county would be receiving the primary results, she first claimed we would receive the results at 7 pm the next day, then all of Longoria suddenly began to backtrack on her promise. Longoria Interview about Delays Longoria then tried to play off the delays as if this was a typical thing, which it is not, and then went on to blame the Texas SB1 for the delay.
Longoria was asked by a reporter about the damaged votes and if the election volunteers had been properly trained, she dodged the question saying, “Harris County is the only county in Texas which has two pieces of paper causing voters to become confused and nervous about putting in their ballots and that they had workers claiming they didn’t know what to do” There was no excuse for the ballots to have been damaged if the counties election workers had been properly trained. Longoria had months to correct these issues, and it has become glaringly obvious that she did not. Commissioner Tom Ramsey this morning issued a statement regarding the lack of trust Harris County has in Longoria.
What is even more concerning to me, is the amount of money that the commissioner’s court has awarded to the Election Administrator and the department. The type of money which has been awarded to Longoria, in my opinion, should have ensured the elections were airtight with the number of positions for IT experts, ballot printing services, and so forth. What I found most concerning was that Longoria had accepted additional funds from CTCL (Zuckerberg-Chan) on June 30, 2021. Yesterday, during a special counsel hearing in Wisconsin, they had determined that Mark Zuckerbergs 9 million of funding in 5 counties ahead of the 2020 Election violated the Wisconsin State Election Code’s prohibition of Bribery.
As of right now, Harris county has accepted over 9.6 million of funds from Zuckerberg in the past two years starting with the 2020 election. The funds were accepted by a 3-2 party-line vote (democrats being the majority). Longoria had made sure to ask for the grant conveniently before Greg Abbott's “no more Zuckerbucks” bill was passed. These CTCL funds have been proven to “manipulate election results” due to the specific locations in which the drop boxes and drive-thru voting location were strategically placed, here in Harris County, 90% were all placed in Precinct 1, which was heavily democrat. 2020 Harris County Polling locations from CTCL As many Americans are beginning to wake up to the alarmingly massive influence in which BIG TECH has infringed upon our elections.
Beginning in 2021 the Elections Department has been awarded millions upon millions in contracts from the county. The elections department started off with a budget of 29.83 million, by October 11th Longoria had already spent the entire budget before the fiscal year was over, and had to go back to commissioners court to request more money
On January 26th, 2021 commissioners court funded a contract of 54 million to Hart Intercivic Verity for voting machines with paper backup. This contract was awarded no less than two months after the 2020 Election. When I asked Longoria how they were able to negotiate such a large contract in a short period of time right after the elections, she responded, “It was a collective effort”.
Election Department Expenses link : (type in election administrator and you’ll find all the contracts which have been awarded in the past 13 months.)
On 9.21.21 I found that the counties Election Department requested an additional amount of $3,335,238.31 million to cover election costs from the 2020 Election, even more concerning, they had to pull from the counties Public Improvement Contingency fund. Keep in mind, the 2016 election had only cost the county 4 million. So, why did the county have to spend 30 million on the 2020 Presidential Election, and what was the reason they had to use an additional 3 million to cover expenditures on the 2020 Election 11 months after? You can read further about the 27 million awarded to the interim county clerk Chris Hollins by Holly Hansen of the Texans: Harris county commissioners court funds an unprecedented 27 million for 2020 Presidential Election.
Upon reviewing all the money which has been awarded to the election administrator and department, why hasn’t Harris County commissioner’s court held Isabel Longoria accountable? After the 2021 HISD election commissioners’ court had addressed the countless issues which occurred. Commissioners Court video of HISD election irregularities Though, as of yesterday, these issues were clearly not corrected.
How could Ms. Longoria make such a massive mistake once again during the 2022 primaries? Longoria is paid over 190 thousand dollars in salary, in my opinion, she is grossly overcompensated for the work performance which she has shown in the past year. It appears that the Democrats are protecting their hand-picked election administrator, and I have to ask why would they do that? Many residents of the county believe that Longoria should either resign or be fired due to her extreme incompetence in running our local and federal elections. Without election integrity, our local government and democracy can fall into the wrong hands. I personally believe our elections began to fall into the wrong hands starting with the 2020 Presidential election when the democrats handed the keys of our elections over to Chris Hollins.
Below is a heat map of the fraud which occurred during the 2020 Presidential election, this was provided by former military intelligence veteran Captain Seth Keshel. Even with the fraud which occurred during the 2020 Presidential election, when a vote came up for an Audit of the 2020 Election in commissioner’s court, the Democrats immediately voted against it. I was there to witness this, even after several constituents spoke Video of addressing commissioners court about 2020 election about the irregularities which occurred during the election. The Democrats still refused to move forward with one, why would they not want to provide transparency for our elections? Isn’t that what a democracy is supposed to have, transparency? Why would the Democrats immediately dispel the findings of irregularities and claim them as “conspiracies” to their constituents?
Longoria has even garnered attention for her failures regarding our election in other states. So why is it that Governor Abbott or the Democrats refused to issue statements or respond to comments about what is happening in our county regarding our elections?
This is what happens when a small amount of incompetent people have reins to an overabundance of money in a very large county with absolutely no oversight either from an internal panel or externally from the left leaning press. HISD is long known for being bloated with an incompetent administration. Hysterical Covid policy (thanks to little girl Lena) and a blue leaning city, ignoring county voting rules is quite easy. If you can get away with it, why do anything differently?
This is what happens when a small amount of incompetent people have reins to an overabundance of money in a very large county with absolutely no oversight either from an internal panel or externally from the left leaning press. HISD is long known for being bloated with an incompetent administration. Hysterical Covid policy (thanks to little girl Lena) and a blue leaning city, ignoring county voting rules is quite easy. If you can get away with it, why do anything differently?
Certainly appears money and lefty ideology determines election results.