Netflix CEO Reed Hastings wife, Patty Quillen has thrown her hat in Texas Politics with two enormous donations equaling up to $100 thousand to Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo. The ultra progressive Patty Quillen who has donated large sums of money to woke politicians calling for abolishing the police, evidently has heard about all the wokeness Hidalgo has brought to our county and decided to infuse her campaign with some California dough.
Patty’s husband Reed, helped keep Gavin Newscum in office by donating over $3 million to save him from the recall. Hastings and his wife, donated to George Gascon and gave $1 million to Future Forward super PAC, which spent tens of millions of dollars in attack ads against President Trump in battle ground states the final weeks of the presidential election.
Most are aware of how much I despise out-of-state donors getting involved in local elections, especially those that hail from California, New York or Oregon. As of right now, I’m 400 pages in deep with Judge Hidalgo’s campaign donations for 3 months and have found $100s of thousands of donations to her from progressive Californians and New Yorkers. What particularly bothers me, is that these people do not live in our city and have no concept how their politics are destroying it. Nor will they ever come to our city and see what their donations are actually doing.
There are hundreds upon hundreds of donations Judge Hidalgo receives from out-of-state and when you start to add up the donations, the numbers are in the millions. So why do people who don’t even live in our County get the right to influence who becomes our County Judge? They don’t benefit in any way, unless they are receiving some kind of kickback from the county….
Merissa Hansen is a God-send to rational people who want good and fair government.
Great article and research, thank you!