From KSAT: Nearly 30% of Bexar County defendants bonded out by the Texas Organizing Project as part of its bail program were later taken back into custody in the same case, records obtained by KSAT Investigates show.
Where does Texas Organizing Project get its money from? Who funds it?
Could be one of two sources: a) Wealthy, deep-pocket Democrat party supporters (who themselves live in gated communities), or b) our own government through various grants (your tax dollars at work).
great column. Masters of fake info —see the WSJ column of the notorias Arnolds slanting by omission the actual facts of two bail cases while convincing us they rendered a great public service in Houston and DC both drowning in a sea of blood from recidivist catch and release killers. They argue for the unbridled judicial right to detain without bail so Marxist judges can lock up without trial the dangerous as British Judges once did before the Common Law and then the Constitution. Money used for great evil and harm when good could have been done.
Where does Texas Organizing Project get its money from? Who funds it?
Could be one of two sources: a) Wealthy, deep-pocket Democrat party supporters (who themselves live in gated communities), or b) our own government through various grants (your tax dollars at work).
Hey Merissa, could you please email me amysuzannemartin at yahoo thanks
great column. Masters of fake info —see the WSJ column of the notorias Arnolds slanting by omission the actual facts of two bail cases while convincing us they rendered a great public service in Houston and DC both drowning in a sea of blood from recidivist catch and release killers. They argue for the unbridled judicial right to detain without bail so Marxist judges can lock up without trial the dangerous as British Judges once did before the Common Law and then the Constitution. Money used for great evil and harm when good could have been done.