On May 13th, an unseasonal heatwave hit Texas and 6 natural gas plants went offline for maintenance. Consumers were asked to conserve energy over the weekend between 3pm and 8pm. Shortly after the notification went out, the Democrat mockingbird chamber seized the opportunity as a way to attack their political opponents, specifically Greg Abbott. Ever since the power grid went out during the winter of 2020, ERCOT has been a hot button topic for the Democrats. Any time there is some kind of extreme weather, the discussion of the power grid immediately comes to surface, and it almost seems to be a tool of fear mongering for the left. Even Molly Jung Fast chimed in on the Texas power grid. Except, the Democrats were wrong about ERCOT and continued to fear monger their constituents and followers, without acknowledging they were wrong about the details. This situation felt eerily similar to when the Texas Tribune had published a story overinflating COVID pediatric cases on the same day in which HISD was holding a meeting to discuss mask mandates in school. The Texas Tribunes story caused parents to go in a state of fear for their childrens health, and easily accepted the mask mandate in school. The Texas Tribune quietly retracted the COVID cases and corrected the article, but the damage had been done. It almost seems as if the Democrats were testing the water with their messaging regarding the grid?
The power grid failure in February 2020 was ultimately due to the ridiculous COVID-19 protocols. Power plants were already competing with heavily subsidize green energy, and with the COVID-19 protocols requiring that vast swarths of manpower be removed and quarantined; it only took one worker to test positive and practically the whole plant would shut down.
So rather than lose money competing with green energy some companies decided to shutter their plants and ride out the winter. But by the time it was clear that green energy wasn't going to meet demand it was too late to start the plants back up in time. From there it was the blame game all around.
The power grid failure in February 2020 was ultimately due to the ridiculous COVID-19 protocols. Power plants were already competing with heavily subsidize green energy, and with the COVID-19 protocols requiring that vast swarths of manpower be removed and quarantined; it only took one worker to test positive and practically the whole plant would shut down.
So rather than lose money competing with green energy some companies decided to shutter their plants and ride out the winter. But by the time it was clear that green energy wasn't going to meet demand it was too late to start the plants back up in time. From there it was the blame game all around.