
Stay on It Merissa, Great Jpb. They have shown their true colors with their passive aggressive behavior! Leaking your private information-Calling Mack just a furniture salesman, the Hobby contract and now Shejack ready to get in on the act as well! This administration has turned this city into a banana republic.

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This explains the Trolls on here. You must be right over the target and they are getting scared of who you’re going to hit next.

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This should be sent to all voters emails and regular mail. A huge campaign against all of these elistist pigs will wake the people up to never voting for them again and to better vet candidates. At this point every candidate should have a published background check on everything they have done in the past, their stock holdings, other financial holdings and who they are affiliated with....real transparency!!!

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We have NO ONE but you to shine the light on the Arnold’s.They are the puppeteers driving our city & county to ruin. Who can stop them? Not even AG Paxton can force his hand!

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I don’t have a dog in this particular fight being a longtime resident/taxpayer/voter in Alabama.

But madness like this has a tendency to spread. We don’t live in a vacuum. Please continue to fight these tyrants for all of us.

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This is outrageous and every resident of Harris County should, regardless of their party registration, should demand that Kase resign.

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$666/hour... where have we seen that number before?

They just smack you in the face with it and then call you a conspiracy theorist when you notice.

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She could be a miner!

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