Watching on TV and watching reports on Twitter and social media live that day I felt they were setup. Walked into a trap. Then in the days that followed it all changed as the videos disappeared and the media set a new narrative. Plus Biden began his destruction of all the good Trump had done. It just took some time for me to begin asking some questions and i slowly came to understand things were not as the media was claiming and there awful things going on by the justice system.
Watching on TV and watching reports on Twitter and social media live that day I felt they were setup. Walked into a trap. Then in the days that followed it all changed as the videos disappeared and the media set a new narrative. Plus Biden began his destruction of all the good Trump had done. It just took some time for me to begin asking some questions and i slowly came to understand things were not as the media was claiming and there awful things going on by the justice system.
Who is the woman in the video - is that you?
I believe the lady is Mrs Bobb. Not sure of her role