Is Alex Triantiphyllis, Lina Hidalgos Chief of Staff a DNC Operative?
At the time when the vaccine outreach corruption contract came to light. All I knew, was that there were 3 staff members from Hidalgo’s office on the committee in charge of choosing who was the best fit for the contract. I began to notice patterns of the staff members Hidalgo has hired, and with no doubt, they are all tied. “to the powers that be”.
When I began to research Alex’s past, he had worked for Baker Ripley, a “charity” that has received millions of our county’s tax payers dollars alongside ARPA and COVID relief.
Alex sits on the board for the Houston Immigration Legal Services collaborative. Interestingly, our county just has formed an ILSF program (immigration legal services fund) in the millions tied to the Catholic charities and Baker Ripley.
Then there are the millions the 3-2 democrat majority approved for more legal services for illegals right here, tied to Baker Ripley.
Alex had put his hat in the ring during the 2018 Blue Wave, no thanks to straight-ticket voting in Texas. What was odd, Alex was able to raise over a million dollars. When I looked into Alex’s FEC FILINGS nearly, if not all donations came from ACTBLUE and out-of-state donors in LARGE AMOUNTS.