Whomever is in charge of visibility filters on the social media platform twitter or x has reverted back to it’s old ways.
Please note that all forms of communications are filled with “Grifters” : prime examples noted!
We are surrounded by wolves!
Matt. 10:16 - Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Be discerning!
Hotep-jesus ( love’em or hate ‘em) called her out on Rumble as a Grifter last week. She’s making bank on her lascivious behavior. Warn others!
Please note that all forms of communications are filled with “Grifters” : prime examples noted!
We are surrounded by wolves!
Matt. 10:16 - Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Be discerning!
Hotep-jesus ( love’em or hate ‘em) called her out on Rumble as a Grifter last week. She’s making bank on her lascivious behavior. Warn others!