May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

He’s controlled by a specific ethnoreligious group. He’s following his orders. (((They))) are purposely and effectively changing the demographics of our country.

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TX is a ‘weak governor’ state by design. The LT Governor has the real power. History dated back to end of Civil War period when Washington sent carpet baggers to flood the TX cities. TX Founders hedged bets not to elect an unduly influenced WA candidate so they enacted more power be given to the next subordinate office. Hasn’t changed since.

Why isn’t Dan Patrick using it ?? he should be screaming at House Speaker Dennis Phelan ( a uni party appointee - second time around) who is operating like all the other uni- party leaders. He let the border defense bill and the election integrity bill grow weak and moldy in committees! Still nothing!

Yet Dan’s whines about the COLA for teachers. Not a key priority when the borders burning.

We continue to “elect” non populist politician chess players. That are in the tank for the business community and unduly influenced by lobbyists. As a deplorable. We have to clean up voter rolls, get rid of voting software, ERIC , ballot harvesters, implement same day -paper ballot, transparent counting. It can be done at the 254 county levels! County by county. Where is that bill??? Stuck in committee.

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He finally did do something last week. Steve Bannon talked about it just today as well as last week. He saw video provided by Todd Bensman and went off on staff with the result being DPS and National Guard being sent to the banks of the Rio Grande to keep illegals from crossing.

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Texas is the 2nd largest state in the country. He doesn't have the support of the RINOs to do the things he's been desperately trying to get done. Every step forward is totally on him. So stop whining and give him a break. At least we know he's on our side. "Texas governor treats Kamala Harris' home to a second busload of migrants"


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