It's not the Democrats we have to worry about. We know who and what they are. It's the snake-in-the-grass Republicans.

A lot of people think Kari Lake just plain lost her election in AZ. Her court case showed failure to maintain chain of custody of ballots and failure to properly check signatures. The fact that signature check turned into a debate is itself a breakdown of voter integrity. Where else in American life do we accept signatures in place of a photo ID? That whole fiasco was permitted by Doucey, a Republican governor, and Brnovich, a Republican AG, as well as some Republican legislators, who failed to act on the 2020 election irregularities.

Likewise in Wisconsin, the Republican House Speaker, Robin Vos, stonewalled investigation of 2020 voting irregularities and legislation that offered some remedies.

The people named in the Rove piece (Phelan, Geren, Spiller- my rep) are playing their own small part in turning TX from red to blue.

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Of course, Rove can’t lose his most important clients! He needs to get the Bush money dynasty to keep the Texas Uniparty going. Next AG Preston Bush! Disgraceful!

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This is what is wrong with America. We don't have free elections anymore. Ken Paxton knows it and that is why they are going after him. The Bush's (who I voted for four times) are anti-American pieces of crap.

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This whole thing stinks to high heaven! PLEASE AMERICA Stand Up and Say Enough! Your VOICES ARE POWERFUL! We MUST make them heard by calling the right people, showing up to the County Meetings, Etc! Otherwise our outrage and opinions are just a JOKE to these people! They LAUGH AT US BEING OUTRAGED cause we are NOT doing it correctly to STOP THEM! SHINE LIGHT ON THEIR SCHEMES AND CORRUPTION! Marissa you are doing IMPORTANT AND AMAZING WORK keeping us INFORMED WITH TRUTH! NOW ITS UP TO US TO MAKE IT HEARD WITH OUR VOICES AND PEACEFUL ACTION!

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Red-Rove-r Red-Rove-r if you don't follow his political rules he wants you to die and roll-over.

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