Gene Wu is a very nasty little turd. He struts around in his pointy boots and vomits out his absurd takes on anything not batcrap liberal orthodoxy. His wife is just as bad a local ABC reporter.

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too kind to them

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The outcome of the first civil war was that the Republicans won.

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Wu changed the subject, from talking about illegals streaming across our border to women not being able to get an abortion unless they're on their deathbed.

The proggies NEVER forget their talking points.

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Singularly evil little jackass who will tell you it’s Monday but call you to correct himself if it’s really Monday. Fortunately he is a singularly stupid little weasel whose hate is not coupled with even low level intelligence. In China they would kick him out of the CCP not for being left of Chairman Xi but for simply being too stupid to be in the Party. Sort of Fierro etc who has been

rendered mostly harmless by God without a brain for a gun.

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The WuZoo is sort of uniquely entertaining

to a savant of D insanity. Way behind my old parrot Trilby in Originality or Intelligence.

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